It’s the monsoon! So you might think the rafting season is over, right?! WRONG!
We LOVE the monsoon at GRG’s, and are out and about on the river every day. Although many of the rivers we travel to become unrunnable this time of year, the Trisuli is at it’s best right now!! It’s monsoon rafting time in Nepal!

We are currently running day trips everyday!!!

The river turns into a raging torrent of waves, whirlpools and epic rapids. We extend our normal 17km section to over 35km and cover it in half the time! (That’s how fast the river runs!). It’s a seriously cool way to spend a day. And with this heat, it’s the best way to cool down.

With the amount of rain that’s fallen, the whole valley turns green and lush and it’s a beautiful place to spend a few days. It’s also the best time of year for all those yummy fruits. We’ve got lychees, mangos and jackfruit growing in abundance at our Trisuli base camp – Gurung Valley.

Is it safe?

Some people may be worried about your safety at this time, don’t be. Although this river does jump a few grades during the monsoon, we do everything in our power to make sure you have a safe, fun, unforgettable trip. We add double (yes double!) the amount of safety kayakers to our trips during the monsoon months and have the most qualified guides in the field. And often change the section of river we run to reflect the conditions of the river. Although rafting is of course an adventure sport and that brings with it a certain amount of risk, we do everything we can to keep you safe.

If you have a day to spare, want to beat the heat and your looking to get out of Kathmandu for an adventure, this is the trip for you.

Join us for some high water monsoon fun this June-September.

Next trip – TOMORROW!

Book Now

NB: A word of warning, monsoon rafting is something to take seriously. We are very cautious and add in extra safety kayakers, however some companies do not use any. If you were to fall out of the raft, the river runs so fast, the raft would find it difficult to catch up to you. When booking, check with your provider what they do to up their safety during the monsoon months.

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